EUR 180 billion per year represents the investment gap that the EU must fill in order to meet the 2030 climate and energy targets.

In order to fill this gap, it is necessary to redirect capital flows towards sustainable investments.


Financial institutions are obliged to disclose on their websites information on their strategies regarding the inclusion of risks for sustainable development in the process of making investment decisions (Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2019/2088).

There are precise criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activity (taxonomy), against which individual companies will be analysed.

Certain companies are expected to provide information on the approach to assessment and management of climate-related risk, on business resilience to climate risks, as well as detailed results in this aspect (2019/C 209/01).

There are also other obligations resulting from currently processed or planned regulations at the EU level.


We support companies in their business transformation, which means that we not only help them understand applicable regulations and Guidelines for sustainable finance, but primarily we help them prepare their enterprises to be an attractive entity for capital providers who want to invest in a sustainable manner.
We analyse the current situation,
We recommend changes to the business model, processes and individual products and services,
We support in management and in reporting of results.



Wspieramy Klientów w transformacji strategicznej, której celem jest prowadzenie biznesu w sposób zyskowny i odpowiedzialny, z uwzględnieniem wpływu na otoczenie.
  • Analiza i planowanie strategiczne
  • Strategia zrównoważonego rozwoju


High quality non-financial data and its consistent presentation are the essence of ESG data disclosure.

We help develop reports that are useful both for reporting organisations as well as their readers. They are drawn up in accordance with recognised international standards and applicable regulations.
  • Raportowanie niefinansowe
  • Raportowanie zintegrowane

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